
Payment Gateway


Espay has been officially registered and has obtained a license/permit from Bank Indonesia as a Payment Gateway Provider Company based on Number 20/39/DKSP-GP2SP/Srt/B and issued on October 15, 2018.

In addition, Espay has also obtained a certificate from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) as an Electronic System Operator based on Number 02027/DJAI.PSE/12/2019.

Espay’s role in driving economic growth by presenting online payment solutions can open new market opportunities in Indonesia.


B2B2C Integration


Espay offers a B2C2B payment solution for merchants who need to receive payments from customers while making automatic payments to business partners such as suppliers and delivery services. The advantages of B2C2B integration are:

  • Host-to-host process that produces accurate and fast data without having to re-input.
  • Payments are made in real time.
  • Payment status reconciliation will be done automatically and in an integrated manner.


Quick and Easy Integration Process

The integration process at Espay is easy to do without any programming. There are many choices of e-commerce modules including Magento, Prestashop, Woocommerce, Oscommerce, Opencart, Zencart and WHMCS.

If you have used the platform, then you can activate the payment gateway with the plugin from Espay.

Espay also has a standard Application Programming Interface (API) for businesses that develop their own ecommerce platforms.


Online and Realtime Settlement


With real-time online settlement feature, Espay system will automatically provide host-to-host notifications to your e-commerce system. When the payment transaction is successful, your system will get a notification, then the unpaid payment status will automatically be changed to paid and you can proceed to the next step.

Automatic Report Reconciliation


You can access consolidated transaction reports from various channels through the Espay portal. You can also view host-to-host status reports on your platform for the purpose of “audit trail” of reconciliation status between Espay and your e-commerce platform.


How ESPAY provides a solution for you?

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