
Terms of registering a legal business

For businesses that have legal entities with websites and mobile applications and want to use the payment gateway service from Espay, below are the necessary steps:

1.    Click REGISTER NOW for registration process

2.    After registration succeed, Espay will send an activation email of your account

3.    Espay will contact and direct you to fill out the PKS form

4.    Complete the PKS form and upload the required data such as Company Establishment Deed, Business License, Certificate of Company Registration, Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree , authorized representative ID Card, Company Domicile Certificate, Company Tax ID Number, Business Profile, and the filled out PKS forms

5.    Send the completed PKS form document along with the legality data mentioned above to the email address

6.    If the testing phase is successful then the Merchant must fill out the UAT (User Acceptance Testing) form

7.    Payment gateway is ready for LIVE


Note: Please send the PKS (agreement form) to for review by the administration team

Terms of registering an individual business

If you are an individual who has an online business using a website or a mobile application but is not yet incorporated, here are the steps you need to complete:

1.    Click REGISTER NOW for registration process

2.    After registration succeed, Espay will send an activation email of your account

3.    Espay will contact and direct you to fill out the PKS form

4.    Complete the PKS form and upload the required data such as authorized representative ID Card, Tax ID Number, Business Profile.

5.    Send the completed PKS form document along with the legality data mentioned above to the email address

6.    If the testing phase is successful then the Merchant must fill in the UAT (User Acceptance Testing) form

7.    Payment gateway is ready for LIVE



Note: Please send the PKS (agreement form) to for review by the administration team

How ESPAY provides a solution for you?

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